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Making a test version of Bullseye as a GCE image available?

Hey, now that we've hit hard freeze for Bullseye, I was hoping that
perhaps we could start making a GCE image for Debian-11 availble?

For Debian 10, a few months before it was released, there was a test
image that was made available in the debian-cloud-testing project:

% gcloud compute images --project debian-cloud-testing list --no-standard-images
NAME                        PROJECT               FAMILY      DEPRECATED  STATUS
debian-10-buster-v20191205  debian-cloud-testing  debian-10               READY
debian-sid-v20190812        debian-cloud-testing  debian-sid              READY

Perhaps it would make sense to make an image for Bullseye in
debian-cloud-testing, so it doesn't accidentally get picked up and
used in production environments before Bullseye gets released as
Debian Stable?

I've never built a GCE image from scratch before, but if someone wants
to point me at the instructions, I'm happy to give it a try, and would
be willing to help with updating the debian-cloud-testing project.


					- Ted

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