Re: Build chain for centos7 boxes
On 07/10/16 13:15, Emmanuel K wrote:
Ok if I understand you right you start a virt-install command with a
kickstarter file ( equivalent of a debian preseed for Debian ).
Then you from the raw/ qcow2 disk image, imagefactory creates the extra
VM configuration like *.ovf description and upload to the target cloud.
Am I missing something ?
This is basically it, except that Image Factory does everything itself:
it will install the OS based on the template file you give it, convert
the image (mostly with qemu-img) and generate the additional files like
metadata, for formats that require it. It also handles uploading the
generated images to some cloud providers.
I could not find for instance by a quick grep at the image factory code,
where do you create the vagrant user and give the sudo rights.
Vagrant is not needed on the build machine, and I think it's not
installed there. The disk image is converted to a .vmdk, a Vagrantfile
and metadata.json are generated, and also .vmx files for VMware, then
everything is archived in a box. Image Factory knows all the file
formats, and it generates them itself. If you are interested in Vagrant
boxes, take a look at the ovfcommon plugin:
Another question do you run the whole build process as root ?
Yes, both the CLI and the daemon are run via sudo:
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