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Re: Debian images on Oracle Compute Cloud Service

Hi Ben,

On 31 January 2016 at 08:03, Ben Hutchings <ben@decadent.org.uk> wrote:
> Is this the same issue described in
> <https://wiki.debian.org/Xen#Error_.22unknown_compression_format.22>?
> That's quite sad as Xen has supported xz compression for several years
> now.

I can't say if this is exactly the same error because I don't have
access to boot logs when it fails, but yes, this is a limitation tied
to the Xen version which their platform is based.

This is expected to be resolved on the next version of Oracle Compute,
but I don't know how much time it will take for it to be launched.
That's why we're looking for an alternative.

> I don't think this is sufficient reason to change compression back, and
> we're certainly not going to do that for jessie.

I do agree and personally have never considered that. Not even a
"linux-image-gzip-{arch}" package that could be backported later. :-)

> If OCC supports loading uncompressed kernels, perhaps you could add a
> support package that decompresses vmlinuz at kernel installation time?

This looks to be closely related to what Anders Ingemann suggested me
earlier today, like the hooks from packages that compiles kernel
modules at installation time.

Right now I'm not aware about how packages can relate this way (e.g.
one that triggers a script to decompress the kernel when
"linux-image-*" is installed or upgraded), but I'll look deeper into
this. Thank you very much for your suggestion.


Hi Jose,

On 31 January 2016 at 05:21, Jose R R <Jose.r.r@metztli-it.com> wrote:
> Looking forward to how you resolve your 'custom kernel problem', as I
> am working on my local branch to somehow add an SSL -enabled
> repository for my custom built Reiser4 -patched kernels to include in
> bootstrap-vz Debian cloud image creation.

I don't know if the same solution would fit your use case. Applying
those patches would need kernel recompilation, right? Unless the Linux
kernel can't be booted after being decompressed, the solution I'm
looking won't need recompilation.

The best case scenario is:

- It wouldn't need a kernel recompilation, like it is being done right now;
- It should be executed along a kernel installation/upgrade, so we
don't need to care about a custom kernel package that have be
maintained along the official one. Or even worse, an outdated kernel
image that would remain being used even if the user update the system
kernel packages.


Tiago "Myhro" Ilieve
Blog: https://blog.myhro.info/
GitHub: https://github.com/myhro
LinkedIn: https://br.linkedin.com/in/myhro
Montes Claros - MG, Brasil

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