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Re: AWS EC2: Jessie AMIs 20141225 and https to Cloudfront.debian.net

Dnia 2014-12-30, wto o godzinie 20:04 +0800, James Bromberger pisze:
> Hash: SHA1 
> Sure - we can leave the older one a bit longer. I've removed the AMI
> IDs form the Wiki page, but the 20141113 ones are still available. How
> about until the end of January? Or slightly longer?

Till the end of January seems sufficient. Thanks.
> Yes, the device map for grub I think is something we can rip out with
> Grub 2.x anyone confirm?

Seems OK for me, but I'd like some discussion first.
I assume you'd like to introduce something similar 
to commit 5b8fb9256d7198d34bb78305d778a583c52cca70 from 2014-09-17:

if data['system']['release'] in ['wheezy', 'squeeze']
    and bootloader != 'extlinux':
# remove device mapping

or add it to tasks.ConfigureGrub?

BTW - I've looked at the changes in your branch. Do you think
it could be merged into development branch?
If I am mistaken, the most important ones are:
 * HVM GRUB support
 * ENI support
 * changes (later removed) to locale, especially Chinese one
 * adding support for Frankfurt region
(BTW - Frankfurt is missing from manifest-schema-s3.json,
key definitions->aws-region)
 * adding support for ec2tools and euto2ools
They look OK for me, but maybe we could test them - that's
why I think it could be beneficial to merge them.

At the same time I'd like to ask about GRUB support.
The change (already mentioned 5b8fb9 from 2014-09-17) does
not seem large. The most important things seem to be:
 * correct computation of partition end in base.fs.partitions.base
 * moving configuration of TTYs and DHCPDDNS to only work
   on Wheezy and Squeezy
 * setting EBS volume to have type gp2
 * adding task to configure GRUB
Am I correct that the main reason that Debian now
works with HVM and GRUB is new version of GRUB in
Jessie, i.e. 2.02?

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
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