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Re: build-debian-cloud python version preview

On 15 August 2013 08:58, Marcin Kulisz <debian@kulisz.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> On 2013-08-14 10:50:11, Anders Ingemann wrote:
>> On 14 August 2013 08:22, olivier sallou <olivier.sallou@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi Anders,
>> > what is your plan regarding packaging of build-debian-cloud  python scripts?
>> > Do you have a "release plan" to put it in Debian repo?
>> > If so, there is for the moment in the opennebula plugin a deb package
>> > (opennebula-context), because it is not packaged yet in Debian. However,
>> > before package, I expect it to be in Debian.
>> Woops, didn't see you sent it to the mailing list, here's the answer
>> for everybody.
>> Currently there is no release plan. My shell version was going to be
>> packaged but the effort died somewhere along the way.
> Well, whole package lies on alioth ready to upload, I dropped it onto mentors
> as well but as nothing happened into it for few months it's been removed.
> Package code is here:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/ec2debian-build-ami.git;a=summary
> At the moment I don't see any justification for forcing it into debian as it's
> going to be abandoned in a year or so.
>> Right now the "release" cycle of the python version is simply too
>> rapid to make a packaged version and I am unsure whether it is going
>> to slow down sufficiently over the next year to actually release a
>> packaged version.
> To be honest I started working on packaging python version and should have
> something once I'm back home from my holiday (another few weeks).
> Once it's build I'm going to drop it into alioth and mentors and will drop an
> info into this list that it's ready.
> --
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> |0|0|0|         -------- kuLa ---------          |
> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x58C338B3
> 3DF1 A4DF C732 4688 38BC F121 6869 30DD  58C3 38B3

> To be honest I started working on packaging python version and should have something once I'm back home from my holiday (another few weeks).
Ha! You're awesome Marcin, just quietly doing your thing :-)
I appreciate the work you are doing, thanks!

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