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Re: build-debian-cloud python version preview

Hi all,

On 2013-08-14 10:50:11, Anders Ingemann wrote:
> On 14 August 2013 08:22, olivier sallou <olivier.sallou@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Anders,
> > what is your plan regarding packaging of build-debian-cloud  python scripts?
> > Do you have a "release plan" to put it in Debian repo?
> > If so, there is for the moment in the opennebula plugin a deb package
> > (opennebula-context), because it is not packaged yet in Debian. However,
> > before package, I expect it to be in Debian.
> Woops, didn't see you sent it to the mailing list, here's the answer
> for everybody.
> Currently there is no release plan. My shell version was going to be
> packaged but the effort died somewhere along the way.

Well, whole package lies on alioth ready to upload, I dropped it onto mentors
as well but as nothing happened into it for few months it's been removed.
Package code is here: 
At the moment I don't see any justification for forcing it into debian as it's
going to be abandoned in a year or so.

> Right now the "release" cycle of the python version is simply too
> rapid to make a packaged version and I am unsure whether it is going
> to slow down sufficiently over the next year to actually release a
> packaged version.

To be honest I started working on packaging python version and should have
something once I'm back home from my holiday (another few weeks).
Once it's build I'm going to drop it into alioth and mentors and will drop an
info into this list that it's ready.

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