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Trying to find the new AMIs is pretty impossible if you don't know where to look.

So doing a search in the marketplace for "Debian" results in 76 hits,
and our new AMIs are buried behind pages of virtual appliances:

This wouldn't be such an issue if we were featured on the "Quick
Start" list of available OSes, which currently only promotes the
official "Amazon Linux", RHEL, SuSE, Ubuntu and MS-Windows AMIs.

We really need to push for a featured spot on the "Quick Start" list
otherwise we really aren't going to get much expose/benefit at all, as
the marketplace is largely a cluttered area for "Virtual Appliances",
and personally don't see a huge benefit of being in the marketplace
over just self-publishing Debian Blessed AMIs. I would have said
something sooner, but mistakenly assumed that when we were talking
about "Marketplace" AMIs we were talking about being featured in the
"Quick Start" list.


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