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Re: Tagging commits when AMIs are published

On 20/11/2012 10:17 PM, Anders Ingemann wrote:
This is mostly directed at James but I thought it would be beneficial
to include the rest of the mailing list.
Am I correct in assuming that commit d0c3fbd4cd was used to bootstrap
the published AMIs?

It was whatever we had in head at 2012-11-19 (Monday) circa 01:00 UTC.

I would suggest tagging this commit explicitly and refer to it from the wiki.
Agreed. Please feel free to edit the wiki.

This way people can create a perfect replica of the published images.
It would also give us the possibility to remove old AMIs at a later
date if we wish to do so, because people would still be able to
recreate them.

*nod* *nod*

What should the tagname be? I would suggest keeping it separate from
the normal versioning. Maybe include the AMI IDs in the commit

Well the AMI ID is different in the marketplace compared to the one I made; the AMI is duplicated into a new AMI ID when it is duplicated into the control of the Marketplace team. It is then zipped around all Regions, and again each of those have their own, separate, independent, AMI ID.

Perhaps we just need a table on the wiki that identifies the date, ec2debian-biuld-ami-version, and the Release generated - and possibly the AMI ID in US-East-1 and the Dump of the snapshot (dd of the block device).

I am going to script the creation of the block device, probably tomorrow night (24 h away) - unless someone else wants to? Its basically - when supplied with an AMI ID:

1) Find Snap ID corresponding to an AMI ID.
2) Create a volume (of same size) from this Snap ID (this is the source for dd)
3) Create a volume of larger size that we'll dump to
4) Present the first
5) Present the second && format && mount
6) dd from first into a file in second ($snapid-$release-$amiid.img or similar...)
7) md5 the file we made; dump this into a file ($snapid-$release-$amiid.md5)
8) compress the file we made (gzip; note; after the md5 is done!)
9) Upload the two files to S3 (s3://debian-images/AWS/Squeeze/)

Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2012: http://www.plug.org.au

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