debian-chinese-big5 Jun 2002 by thread
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- [no subject] 唐腳華
- 毙砞﹚菲公 wolf
- Re: 教下如何砞定滑鼠 ideasky
- Re: pthread的manpage沒了? ha shao
- Unidentified subject! Anthony Fok
- Re: 求助! 關_語音聊天 behind NAT Zou Min
- ????,?bash????????,???????????????? Ge Gao
- chinese DocBook file to PDF/LaTeX? Arne Goetje
- chinput got memory leak? Zou Min
- Re: 怎麼搞的,在bash下運行有中文環境,而從面板上的快捷方式運行卻不行? Anthony Fok
- 即時軟件(瞏)有限公司誠意招聘 Linux 祘序員/工祘師 Anthony Fok
- 短信金钢-营销软件 call-my-phone
- Debian Chinese FAQ Cameron McCormack
- 怎樣編譯要打補丁的內核的 vcc
- 防火牆技術首次大公秨 費爾安全實驗室
- Re: kde "??? ?? ??" Dan Jacobson
- 电脑配件供应 大特价 ty-booking
- 汕头福音码 一看就会打 zjpzjp
- input chinese to Tcl/Tk application Zou Min
- woody 中文輸入問題 F.Maizeman
- Re: subscribe] CKS
- install problem mingwuming
- Please test chinput 3.0.2-10, memory leak fix Yu Guanghui
- Re: Display Chinese in java under Linux Alex Lau
- what about big5? Alex Lau
- install chinese font mingwuming
- install chiens font mingwuming
- *****SPAM***** 专业国际进出口集运、货代、报关、国际国内运输、海运、空运经深圳中转为你报价,为您解决燃眉之急。 纪剑
- subscribe Chung Hao Chang
- *****SPAM***** Fw: 坝㎝チ羛籔矮 祇︽场-狶捌瞶
- mount iocharset=cp950 debian 上怎辦? Dan Jacobson
- xcinterm-big5 寫得太壓霸 Dan Jacobson
- man gunzip 難看 Dan Jacobson
- [no subject] 何冠平
- boot-floppies zh_CN.po全部翻譯完成 Ren Weili
- [no subject] 何冠平
- 答確: boot-floppies zh_CN.po全部翻譯完成 Ren Weili
- 從快捷方式啟動應用祘序 linuxman
- subscription maxilaw
- Re: 傳輸埠 "X/" 開啟錯誤 Dan Jacobson
- More Details Please c hunter
- defoma 第一次載入字型似乎有點慢? GD
- xcinterm 何無自己的 icon in my toolbar? Dan Jacobson
- enlightenment chinese support? Min Xu
- 希望和您合作,共创事业辉煌 谭锦荣
- 希望和您合,創事穨輝煌 譚錦榮
- chinese support for ccmsn Zou Min
- 电脑配件惊爆抢购价 debian-chinese-big5 ty-booking
- unsubscribe raymond wong
- Smart Chinese/Common Input Mathod platform. James Su
- 21紀不可或缺的廣告形式 服務
- xsim的deb Ye Ma
- IT技术光盘提供 debian-chinese-big5 listmaster
- IT技術光盤提供 debian-chinese-gb kcyvjc.a.udg.lwrt8
- Fw: 搶救古金水,重要信! Broker Tim
- KDE fonts 仍難看 Dan Jacobson
- networking problem Jiele
- Fw: "新" 鼠山"劍"俠 Broker Tim
- Fw: 如果我是中共 Broker Tim
- Fw: 小心國際性RCI,元立分時休閒渡假村的騙局 Broker Tim
- 200M asp/php/cgi空間只賣200元! mahongwei
- Fw: 好運降臨 Broker Tim
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Fw: 好運降臨 Broker Tim
- how to disable Chinput candidate auto-sort Yong Khun, Loh
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