Re: [RFC] Detecting type of CD image and using that to make apt-setup smarter
On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 08:54:36AM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
>joeyh, sledge, others,
>After working with d-cd a lot over the past week, I think I've come up
>with a solution that will allow us to detect if the user is installing
>from netinst CD, full CD or DVD.
>This would allow us to let apt-setup ask the "use a mirror" question based
>on the type of CD.
>In debian-cd/tools/add_debs add something like (pseudocode):
>if [ $COMPLETE = 1 ]; then
> if [ $DEFBINSIZE -gt 1000]; then
> echo "dvd" > .disk/cd_type
> else
> echo "full_cd" > .disk/cd_type
> fi
> echo "not_complete" > .disk/cd_type
>Note: we can (and do) already distinguish between businesscard and netinst
>using .disk/base_installable.
Hmmmm. I've been working on a slightly different setup in my devel
branch - specifying the type of media up-front instead of the size,
then setting the size from there. Same overall effect, just slightly
different code. Mine in looks like:
# Set your disk type here. Known types are:
# BC (businesscard): 650 MiB max (should be limited elsewhere,
# should never fill a CD anyway)
# NETINST: 650 MiB max (ditto)
# CD: standard 74-min CD (650 MiB)
# CD700: (semi-)standard 80-min CD (700 MiB)
# DVD: standard 4.7 GB DVD
# CUSTOM: up to you - specify a size to go with it (in 2K
The DISKTYPE setting is then used later on (for example in setting the
output filename) and the disk size is calculated from the disk type
when building trees later. I don't (currently) put anything in
.disk/<foo> yet, but that'd be easy to add...
>For apt-setup I'd propose the following logic:
>if [ ! -f /cdrom/.disk/cd_type ]; then
> CD_TYPE=$(cat /cdrom/.disk/cd_type)
>case $CD_TYPE in
> not_complete)
> # default to use mirror; don't ask; don't add CD as source
> # rationale: CD only contains base which is already installed;
> # the few additional uninstalled packages on the CD can be better
> # installed from the mirror
> full_cd)
> # default to not use mirror (unless preseeded), ask at high priority
> # rationale for asking: full CD image lacks loads of components
> # for desktop; this could be changed when we support installing
> # from multiple CDs
> dvd)
> # default to not use mirror (unless preseeded), ask at low priority
> *)
> # keep current behavior
>For businesscard CDs a mirror will already have been selected earlier in
>the installation. Using
Otherwise sounds sensible.
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.
"It's actually quite entertaining to watch ag129 prop his foot up on
the desk so he can get a better aim." [ seen in ]
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