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Re: [RFC] Detecting type of CD image and using that to make apt-setup smarter

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

Ok, slightly different point: When etch R1 comes out people will still
install R0 and want the updates from the mirror.

Which can have a very bad effect:

In October 2005 I installed a sarge-R0-netinst.iso using a nearby mirror for additional packages. But the security mirror was also configured, and the updates needed endlessly (overnight, >10 hours), because all/many users updated from the one and only security 'bottleneck' mirror.

If it will still be the case with etch, that

- there is only one (slow) security mirror AND
- important updates are held back until R1

it would be nice, to ask the user, if he really wants the security updates 'now', or 'later'.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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