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Re: debian-cd problems

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 07:55:21PM +0200, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:
>(please CC me, I am not on this list)
>  I'm getting desperate with debian-cd and I would appreciate any 
>help. I've followed the instructions to the letter, and I still can't 
>work this out.
>  All I want is a 1st sarge iso image, with the desktop task and a few 
>more extra packages.
>I've created a custom task in tasks/custom-desktop in which I placed 
>all packages I want to include on the CD. I append to the end of this 
>email the contents of this particular task (all packages are part of 
>Debian except mozilla-firefox-locale-el which is yet to be accepted 
>to the archive):
>I also attach my CONF.sh file. 
>I do the following:
>make distclean
>make mirrocheck
>make status
>LANG=C make bin-list TASK=tasks/greek-desktop  (I have to use C locale 
>otherwise parsing of apt messages is not correct.
>After quite some processing (with no errors) I get the following:
>Number of packages: 1208
>Number of excluded: 0 of 1208
>-- Generating dependencies tree with apt-cache depends...
>-- Adding standard, required, important and base packages
>   on the first CD ...
>   Standard system already takes 198651738 bytes on the first CD.
>-- Starting to add packages to the CDs ...
>CD 1 will only be filled with 543519828 bytes ...
>CD 1 will have 880 packages.
>But I don't understand why this happens. Why are the packages not 
>included (specifically I don't get OO.org, which is about 80M total 
>and should fit ok on the CD, and the mozilla-*locale-el packages).
>Any ideas? I'm really desperate about this, and I'd *greatly* 
>appreciate any help on this.

Debian-cd needs to leave sufficient space on the CD for the installer,
which is why the size is reduced. Try letting the process run to
conclusion and see what size the output image is...

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied & twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...

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