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Re: CD images and trailing nulls

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 05:22:25PM +0000, Thaddeus H. Black wrote:
>The problem seems to be with cdrecord(1) not
>with your images, but I never saw the problem
>with earlier images; I see it only now with
>woody r3.
>For example, debian-30r3-i386-binary-1_NONUS.iso
>has 326262 2048-byte blocks, of which the last
>150 blocks are null.  If I
>  dd bs=2048 count=326262 if=/dev/cdrom \
>    of=debian-30r3-i386-binary-1_NONUS.iso
>then only 326244 blocks are recovered.  These
>include 132 of the 150 trailing null blocks, but
>the last eighteen are missing.  Just to be sure,
>I manually add eighteen null blocks, and the
>md5sum does then come out exactly right.
>Cdrecord was invoked with the -data and -pad
>(default pad size == 15 blocks) options.  If
>relevant, the machine runs a 2.4.24 kernel.
>The question is not tremendously important and I
>would not advise you to spend a lot of time on
>it; but if you have seen an effect like this one
>in the past, where trailing null blocks are not
>recorded, I would be interested to learn of your
>conclusions or observations in the matter.

Hmmm. AFAIK The trailing 150 NULL blocks (i.e. 2 seconds in MSF
format) are added by newer versions of mkisofs to better comply with
the ISO 9660 spec. As to why older versions of cdrecord don't/won't
write them, I'm not sure. Are you _sure_ they're not written? I'd be
curious to see what the Read Capacity command returns on those

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
  Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there
  must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the
  far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled
  knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer

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