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md5sum error in fsn.hu DVD image (20020720)

I suspect there is a md5sum error for in a single .deb
file in the fsn.hu i386 binary Woody DVD image dated

>From the DVD image:

$ md5sum


$ cat md5sum.txt | grep x10-automate_1.00-6_all.deb

Apparently, 44d26c0cebd5950c044d58f2ac906962 is the
correct md5sum for x10-automate_1.00-6_all.deb

I think this minor corruption is a tip of a bigger
problem. As a matter of fact, this 20020720 DVD image
wants several tens of older .deb files, which might be
an indication that the archive that fsn.hu is using is
out of sync with the primary archive for more than a

Two questions:

(1) Is it possible for fsn.hu to put up md5sum files
for its .iso images, very much like the official CD

(2) Given that there lacks a source and the other ten
binary DVD images, am I right right to say the chance
of blessed "official" DVD images is not quite on the
horizon yet? I wish I were wrong.


Chan Tai Man

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