Re: jigdo
On 24 Jul 2002, Philip Hands wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-07-24 at 03:34, Bradley Glonka wrote:
> > any chance we'll see "official" images on the cdimage rsync server?
> You mean .iso's? On current evidence, I don't think it would be
> productive, because it would clog up cdimage.d.o to a point that the
> people that are currently successfully using jigdo, might not be able to
> grab snapshot files they might need, without really improving things.
> There are a few mirrors offering .iso files, so if you need them, they
> are out there. If you tell me that those mirrors are too busy to be
> usable, then you'll be making my point for me. :-)
Well, are offering them, but is a bit too busy to be
nicely usable. That is why (also with rsync
access) offers them with a very fast connection and has pretty much no
Philip: A pointer to that host on http://cdimage.d.o perhaps? A link in
the README.html or something like that?
/Mattias Wadenstein
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