Re: JIGDO PRE-14: somehow still miss 3 files
Richard Atterer wrote:
>> (I still have no idea where to get libwww-ssl0 5.4).
> It's only in Debian unstable. Don't worry about it, you only need it
> for the GUI.
>> [...]
>> - developers-reference.html.tar.gz
>> - developers-reference.txt.gz
>> - driver-4.bin
> Dunno about the first two, but the solution for the last one is to
> upgrade to jigdo 0.6.8.
I still have no idea where to find the libwww-ssl0 deb file.
I have searched everywhere, incoming, pool, non-US.
May I know the URL of that deb file ?
Anyway, I have just burned a disk#1 (i386 NON-US) with a wrong MD5SUM.
It booted well, and I will try it latter on at home.
>> - is there a way to tell .wgetrc to bypass the proxy [...]
> Yes - from the info manual: [...]
Ah yes, thank you! I forgot that "info" is usually more complete
than "man".
>> - is the result of "pseudo-image" not an ISO file?
> Hm, the .tmp file is "mostly" an ISO image.
No, there was *NO* problem to loop mount the .tmp file.
But, what I did was "plan B": creating a pseudo-image by using
the pseudo-image-kit (by extracting .jigdo file).
Gordon Huff wrote:
> If you run the "p-i-k" to the end and the MD5 is incorrect,
> you don't have anything yet.
Unfortunately, I can not run "rsync" because there is no image
to refer/ compare. Apparently, I guess, the "pseudo-image-kit"
itself does not create a proper ISO file. The mount message was
somewhat like "incorrect ISO format".
Thank you all,
Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim -- -- --
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