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Re: Any "JIGDO for dummies" guide?

(Quoted from a spammail :-)
   "Entschuldigen Sie bitte die Störung!"

I did these following:
- downloaded a pre14 .jigdo and  a .template file
- changed in the .jigdo file:
  [Image:Template] to the current directory
  [Server] to a local server

It works for a while but then it stoped; as four files were missing.
- I re-run it, and I added http://cdimage.d.o/... as well as
  http://non-US.c.d.o/... as backup servers
- somehow it asked for http://woody-i386-1_nonus.template/
  ==> index.html which obviously does not exist.

- Any clue to inform jigdo-lite where the template is?


Rahmat M.  Samik-Ibrahim -- vLSM.org -- http://rms46.vLSM.org --
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