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Re: Woody source ISO

On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 11:42:19 +0200
"Beno" <benoit.sibaud@rd.francetelecom.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to produce Woody source CD (hoping to give them to a UNESCO 
> person at the Libre Software Meeting (http://lsm.abul.org), more info 
> here http://oumph.free.fr/patrimoine/index.en.html ).
> I've read the FAQ (http://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#source-cd) and searched
> through debian-cd and debian-user (with jigdo+source) and found nothing.
> I already own a source mirror (potato + woody + sid). I supposed jidgo 
> is the best way to produce Woody source CD.
> ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial/woody/jigdo/ only 
> propose i386 jigdo files. Are there source jigdo files somewhere (or 
> source ISO)?

To make the first CD install jigdo and then do


This will download the jigod then template files and proceed to ask you
some questions as to where to retrieve the .debs from, specify your local
mirror and then it does all the work.

Repeate the above command but chage the last component to refelect the iso
you are building,
http://cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area/3.0-pre14/jigdo/source/ has a list of
the iso's to build, there are currently 7 main source and 1 non-US source.


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