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Re: boot-m68k script on debian-cd

On Mon, 2002-07-01 at 11:16, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> > At least in the case of woody, dmesg and dmesg.readme appear to
> > already be in the disks-m68k directory, so the wget lines should no
> > longer be necessary in woody/boot-m68k.  You can safely remove them.
> Following Raphael Hertzog's advice I'll change them into a cp of the boot
> floppies files.

You can simply remove the lines, since they are already where they need
to be after the mv & ln -s in the script.  I'm currently building CDs
with this change:

--- tools/boot/woody/boot-m68k	2002/03/25 10:03:53	1.4
+++ tools/boot/woody/boot-m68k	2002/07/01 12:28:20
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
 ln -sf install.en.html doc/index.html
 # Extra tools not yet in boot floppies
-wget -q sunsite.auc.dk:/pub/os/linux/680x0/tools/dmesg.readme -O dmesg.readme
-wget -q sunsite.auc.dk:/pub/os/linux/680x0/tools/dmesg        -O dmesg
-chmod a+x dmesg
+#wget -q sunsite.auc.dk:/pub/os/linux/680x0/tools/dmesg.readme -O dmesg.readme
+#wget -q sunsite.auc.dk:/pub/os/linux/680x0/tools/dmesg        -O dmesg
+#chmod a+x dmesg
 # Amiboot needs to be executable
 chmod a+x amiga/amiboot-5.6

I suppose this indicates that I ought to commit a few of these tweaks. 
I'll do it today, or at least publish my diffs.

Cheers, Phil.
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