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Re: What kernel stuff on CD1? Was Still no TeX in CD#1

On Thu, 30 May 2002, Santiago Vila wrote:

> On Thu, 30 May 2002, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> > Previously Philip Hands wrote:
> > > The good news is that TeX is in, the bad news is that packages such as
> > > xdm, xfs & xterm are out.  This seems bad, but I suppose since gdm & kdm
> > > are on there, and one can survive without xfs, and gnome-terminal is in,
> > > we could actually live without those, but will the resulting lack of
> > > x-window-system cause a problem with the tasks?
> >
> > Breaking X is imho a much worse than getting TeX on CD1. gnome-terminal
> > is definitely not a replacement for xterm.
> Well, I refuse to think that we have to choose between X and TeX...
> What I don't understand is the reason xterm, used regularly by 445
> people in the pop-con goes to second CD when you move xspecs (used
> regularly by 0 people) to the second CD.
> BTW: Please note that the "x-window-system" meta-package is not the
> one normal people would install:
>   This metapackage provides substantially all the components of the X Window
>   System as developed by the XFree86 Project, as well as a set of
>   historically popular accessory programs.
>   The development and debugging libraries are not provided by this
>   metapackage.
> This package depends on xspecs so it's certainly not for "normal users".

We are operating with two sets of constraints.

The task system.  x-window-system is part of task basic-desktop, so to
remove it means that this task is incomplete and probably broken unless
the first two CDs are used.  If a package is to be moved off the first CD
then ../indices/override.woody.extra.main.gz needs to be checked to see if
it is part of a task.  If it is, then moving it will probably break the

The release.  We were told in no uncertain terms that we were not to mess
with task system.

We need to do the best we can within these limitations.  The
alternative is to tell people that they need the first two CDs
minimum.  woody+1 for the solution?


  Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
   +64 3 488 2818        Fax +64 3 488 2875        Mobile 025 267 9420
     philipc@copyleft.co.nz - preferred.          philipc@debian.org
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