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Re: jigdo 0.6.0 - jigdo beta site is now live!

Hi Wookey,

congratulations, you appear to be the first jigdo user ever (apart
from me, that is...). You win _absolutely_nothing_!! :)

On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 03:48:37PM +0000, Wookey wrote:
> OK. I tried it. (as I need to upgrade my 2.2r3 images to 2.2r4).
> Apt-getting debs worked OK and installed ok (on an x86 'testing' box).
> It all seems to work fine - just a few 'user experience' issues for
> jigdo-lite.  It's be nice for it to ask all the questions at the
> beginning (or at least only after the jidgo file) so I don't have to
> wait whilst it downloads the template file and _then_ tell it where
> my locally-mounted set of files is, then do all of those and, then
> ask where the server to use is. I can see that some of the questions
> depend on previous status, but a bit of pre-asking would be good.

Hm, OK - basically you want the .template download postponed after the
"local filesystem" and "select mirror" questions. Should be possible -
it'll only download the .jigdo file before asking the questions.

After using jigdo-lite myself a few times, I think it would also be
nice if I made it cache the answers one gives.

> Also during the downloading of files from my locally-mounted file
> source the path was quite long and all the filenames wrapped to the
> next line and then got covered by the progress-counter which looks
> messy. Best solution here would be to show the start of the path and
> the full leafname but not the bit in the middle if its going to
> wrap.

Yeah, I should probably fix that - pure lazyness! :-)

> And backspace didn't work when entering URLS etc (it's a normal
> linux text-mode 25x80 virtual terminal) (fortunately delete
> did). They work at a normal prompt.

Hm, I should use "read -e" to get backspace to work.

> Apart from that it all seems to work nicely. (I'll find out in a few
> hours time when it's collected the remaining 300-odd files that
> weren't on the 2.2r3 CD or in my local archive)

So, did it work? :)

> For my purposes PIK is useful because it generates a list of files
> that are missing so I can tell ncftp to get them all and put them in
> my archive then run PIK again. This ensures my local archive is
> uptodate wrt current CDs. So far as I can see jigdo doesn't generate
> such a list of missing files, so whilst it will make nice CD images
> it doesn't help keep the archive updated.

In fact, jigdo-file does generate such a list, but in jigdo-lite it is
immediately piped into a while loop which downloads the
files. However, you first need to create a half-finished image which
already contains any data that's present on your local filesystem.

Create half-finished image:
  jigdo-file make-image --image=... --template=... /my/local/debian/mirror

Print URLs of files still missing from the half-finished image:
  jigdo-file print-missing --image=... --template=... --jigdo=... \
      --uri Debian=http://nearest.mirror/debian \
      --uri Non-US=http://nearest.mirror/debian-non-US

(The "Debian" and "Non-US" correspond to the label names used in the
.jigdo file.) You can use e.g. --uri Debian="" for it to output only
the leaf paths.

If you do not want to create a half-finished image, you could probably
extract the filenames from the .jigdo file with a small shell script.

Thanks for the feedback!



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  |_) /|  Richard Atterer
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