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status of debian-cd?


I was just wondering if the version of debian-cd in unstable can be used
to burn Debian2.2r3 CD's. If not how do I know which files from CVS to

Also, am I right in assuming that the difference between pseudo image
kit and debian-cd is that debian-cd can be used to make customized CD's?

Is there any detailed documentation which explains the process of making
CD's with debian-cd. I found the README file lacking in information.

I want to do the following: Burn Debian 2.2r3 CD's (includeing
non-US/non-free) with some extra customised packages of my own. The
process I have been following is as follows.

1. Use Debian2.2r2 CD's as basis for my local mirror.
2. Use customized version of rsync mirror script (found at
http://www.debian.org/mirror/anonftpsync) to update mirror to 2.2r3.
3. Add debian-non-US to local mirror. (Where should this sit in the
mirror? Right now I have /pub/debian and /pub/debian-non-US but I have
noticed links to /pool which I don't currently have)
4. Add customized packages as explained in CONF.sh
5. Start debian-cd process.

I guess right now I am at step 4 but I am not sure if I have configured
CONF.sh right or if my local mirror has the right structure to but

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


(Please CC to my address).

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