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Re: Debian CDs?


> At this moment customized Debian CDs can only be made on a Debian
> system, and I don't think anyone here feels any need to change that.
I felt to, so I make my unofficial Debian CDs on my FreeBSD desktop
machine :)

I think the scripts, and the other tools (like dpkg*) could be ported
natively to this OS, but instead of this, I actually run debian-cd in a
jail which runs Debian linux :)

Attila Nagy                                    e-mail:  Attila.Nagy@fsn.hu
Budapest Polytechnic (BMF.HU)                   @work: +361 210 1415 (194)
H-1084 Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17.           cell.: +3630 306 6758

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