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Re: ISO Image????


> distribution... NOT go through a wizard which may or may NOT let me download
> the image. You need to realize that your wizard does not recognize all
> situations. For instance I want to download the image at work and burn it to
> a CD so that I can install it at home. That's all nothing fancy. It boils
> down to (work with me here) fast link at work, slow link at home. 

Anne, I think that you should really place a link to the main page of
cdimage.debian.org, which says: "If you don't want to go through this
,wizard' then you could download the CDs from ..."

And for the original poster I have to tell that from us he/she can
download both the official (slink) and unofficial (potato) CD sets.

The URL is in my signature at the bottom.

> 2. The process for getting a CD image is not clear at all. What the heck are
> you guys doing over there? Ever hear of the saying less is more? Do you or
They are just saving the mirrors' bandwidth.

The URL:

Have fun,

.---- mailto:bra@lists.kando.hu -----.-PGP:finger bra@k2.jozsef.kando.hu-.
|Attila Nagy - Systems Administrator@|ftp://ftp.kando.hu/pub/CDROM-Images|
|Technical College of Budapest       |Tel.: +36 1 210 1415/194           |

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