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Re: Yacs-0.1 is here

Le Mon, Jul 12, 1999 at 11:19:07AM +0100, Steve McIntyre écrivait:
> *grin* It's nice to see from looking at your code that you've looked at
> slink_cd/debian_cd.

Of course ! I've been using it heavily for my personnal need but now we 
need somethin more modular, that's why I started yacs.

> I _really_ like the way you've worked out sizes for CDs. This is becoming
> a major issue for us. If you don't mind, I may steal this idea for
> debian_cd. :-)

Of course you can, but if you like yacs, we could even work both on it
so that it may become the official way of creating the CDs. But we're
not there yet since I do not have something that can actually create CD
images ...

> As you're using apt to order packages for you, I presume that CD#1 is
> going to be filled with required / base / standard / important packages

Actually it's only filled with required / base / standard pacakge. I'm
checking for section base explicitely. Are there any packages that are in
base and that are not >= standard ??

> first, then you'll be filling in optional and extra packages. A strict
> ordering is quite easy, as (I'd guess) the tree depth of Debian packages
> isn't going to be very large. How do you decide between equal-priority
> packages at a given depth? I'd guess alphabetically, but that isn't
> clear. This was another big issue for slink_cd.

I do not decide anything, i'm leaving apt deciding about the depends and
include packages in the order in which they are listed in the tasks files

> I see you're not doing anything about Packages files yet, but that's easy
> to add later. Ditto with md5-checking. 

Yes, that's the next part of my work. :) And I need to add something that
will check that the mirror is ok.

> Is there any particular reason to split up all the tasks/profiles in the
> way you've done it? I think I can see a possible good reason, but I'm
> curious to see yours. 

It's simple. The goal of yacs is to be able to easily create customized
CDs. To do so, you simply need to give an ordered list of packages that
you want to include on your CD. And if you're much lazy, you can write
meta-tasks that will #include (they are piped into cpp before beeing used)
other tasks already written (or those that are automatically created from
the master file).

> I'm also surprised you've gone back to using make. I tried it but gave up
> for my needs as a little too inflexible.

Make is only a front-end to the scripts that are in tools/ and that do most of
the job. Of course when the job can be done with perl one-liners, i've
simply put them in the Makefile instead of creating a specific file.

>  It would be nice to have multiple allowed sizes for CDs: #1 needs lots of
>  space for docs and boot images etc, as Chris said, while the other CDs
>  can be filled much further. 

Yes I was planning to add such a support, it's quite easy.

>  Is there a better way of doing ordering than by driving apt? It's an

I asked the other days on this list about this issue and nobody answered
me, that's why I've used apt-get -s.

And you'll need apt 0.3.X, so even if you have an slink machine you'll
need to update it.

If there's an other way to find the depends that are needed then i'm
listening since 3700 apt-get launch takes me about 2 hours ... :-)

Hertzog Raphaël >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~rhertzog/

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