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Re: Upload of new partman-base version?

Hello Karsten!

Karsten Merker <merker@debian.org> (2014-09-05):
> the linux kernel 3.16 is about to enter unstable this weekend (see
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-kernel/2014/09/msg00057.html) and
> will make - among other things - the support for MMC storage on
> the armhf/sunxi platform available in sid.  While this is a good
> thing, it also means that d-i users on armhf/sunxi systems might
> be bitten by bug #751704 (d-i overwriting parts of the system
> firmware stored on MMC) as soon as d-i starts building images
> based on kernel 3.16.  A fix for this bug has been applied to the
> partman-base git repository, but there has not yet been a new
> partman-base release since.  I would therefore like to ask
> whether a new release of partman-base could be uploaded in the
> near future.

Thanks for the heads-up.

> Should the partman maintainers wish that, I can of course also do
> an upload myself (marked as team upload).

Feel free to tag and upload yourself, I fail to see why that would a
problem. :)


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