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Re: d-i manual (Re: building and testing d-i with jenkins)


Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 22. November 2012, Holger Wansing wrote:
> > > http://jenkins.debian.net/view/d-i_manual/job/d-i_manual_ro_html/1/parsed
> > > _console/? would show a lot less warnings, but still some.
> > At that url I see only warnings like "Warning: no PO file found for ...",
> > no others.
> I'm pretty sure there are others if you scroll down, but I'm writing this 
> offline, so cannot check.

Ok, you are right. There were additional warnings, but not in _that_ language
that I checked.

1. for da and nn there were warnings about not existing entity files.
I have added empty entity files to avoid that warnings.

2. in el I found this:
Warning: pdf and ps formats are currently not supported for Chinese, Greek, 
Japanese and Vietnamese
Info: The following formats were skipped: pdf

So, remove them from the build jobs.

3. In de.html I found:

Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/d-i_manual_de_html/workspace
Updating svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/trunk to revision '2012-11-19T20:31:15.498 +0000'
U         manual/en/boot-installer/x86.xml
U         manual/de/boot-installer/x86.xml
U         manual/po/da/boot-installer.po
U         packages/po/sublevel6/mr.po

Why do you checkout the packages/po/sublevelX/xx.po ?
That files are for installer translation.
They are not relevant for the manual and can savely be removed.

Holger W.

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