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Re: netinst + uefi (was Re: netinst install-time compilation of network drier)

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On 11/24/2012 4:53 PM, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> No, you're doing the right thing. dd to the raw device is the
> right way to use the image, I was just checking that was what
> you'd done. Hmmm. Another machine that doesn't like the UEFI stuff
> we've got, it seems. :-(

I think it was just the fault of a cheap USB key.  I reflashed the
netinst image onto a better one, and it is UEFI bootable.  Previously,
there wasn't a valid partition table after writing the image, but now
there are two (the Debian install partition and the EFI boot
partition).  However, the graphics are extremely garbled when booting
it in UEFI mode; in CSM mode, the graphics are fine.  It's squished to
the top part of the screen and so scrambled that I can barely tell
that a menu item is being changed when I press the menu keys (but
there's absolutely no way I could tell what the menu items say).

So, the initial issue that caught your interest (netinst not UEFI
bootable) isn't true any more.  Do you have any ideas on the unusable
graphics when booting via UEFI?

> Silly question - could you possibly try writing the image to CD
> and see if that boots in UEFI mode please?

I'll assume this request is now moot...

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