Proposed patch:
It moves "gnash" from "desktop" to "gnome-desktop", so it has least
effect on Debian-as-a-whole.
A. Effects on Debian:
1. should be zero. Should not affect installation media.
B. Effects on GNOME desktop: None.
1. People will have YouTube (as in 6.0.3)
2. People will not have access to Google Finance (as in 6.0.3)
C. Effects on KDE and other desktops:
1. no KDE konqueror crashes by default
2. People will have access to Google Finance (static version)
3. People will need to install some kind of flash plugin manually to
watch YouTube (no WebM support in Squeeze)
It turns out, that "gnome" package has dependency on "gnash", so I
will not go deep into this. It's up to the gnome people to look into
this -- I left gnome as-is, unchanged.
-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"
diff -uNr orig/tasksel//tasks/desktop patched/tasksel//tasks/desktop
--- orig/tasksel//tasks/desktop 2010-12-05 19:48:52.000000000 +0200
+++ patched/tasksel//tasks/desktop 2012-01-16 07:40:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -62,8 +62,5 @@
# sound
-# flash -- Note that gnome recommends browser-plugin-gnash; if this is changed
-# here to a different flash player, it should also be changed there.
- browser-plugin-gnash
# ensure pm-utils is available
diff -uNr orig/tasksel//tasks/gnome-desktop patched/tasksel//tasks/gnome-desktop
--- orig/tasksel//tasks/gnome-desktop 2010-12-06 22:32:00.000000000 +0200
+++ patched/tasksel//tasks/gnome-desktop 2012-01-16 07:40:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -34,3 +34,6 @@
# vector drawing
+# flash -- Note that gnome recommends browser-plugin-gnash; if this is changed
+# here to a different flash player, it should also be changed there.
+ browser-plugin-gnash
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