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Re: Bug#497110: improved dmraid support in D-I

Giuseppe Iuculano ha scritto:

>> reason to use the procedure you devised would be to generate disk images 
>> of a different size (80GB was a bit of a pain for the conversion from 
>> vbox to VirtualBox format for example).
> Uhmm, there are some unknown metadata sectors, I think this isn't possible.

Ok, with Highpoint 45X ATARAID this is simple.

we have 11 blocks, so for example for a 4GB disk image:

dd if=/dev/null of=hda.dsk seek=8388608
dd if=/dev/null of=hdb.dsk seek=8388608

8388608-11=8388597 , so:

dd if=hpa.dat of=hda.dsk conv=notrunc seek=8388597
dd if=hpa.dat of=hdb.dsk conv=notrunc seek=8388597

(sorry for an eventual duplicate mail, but it seems that my previous mail was
dropped due to .dat attachment)


Attachment: hpa.dat.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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