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GTK miniiso on ppc arch


As some of you know, I have tried and managed to build a gtk-miniiso
for ppc with some help from Davide and Frans.

Current status is:
- my image was built with no library reduction as the linker failed to
run the command issued by mklibs when trying to reduce libc.so.6
- I needed only the fonts tgz-s and a tgz with the gtk.so as no udebs
for ppc were available
- the image runs fine the newt frontend, but flickers with the
readeonfb or offb frame buffers
- I have attempted to build the miniiso yesterday again, but without
the gtk.so tgz, only with udebs, but it failed with a failure from
mklibs to find a non-weak symbol (will add the exact info tonight,
when I arrive home) - probably some version mismatches? Frans, any
- running the installer from the temporary tree that is created when
the initrd image is built led to a hard blockage of my laptop, after
the mouse sursor appeared and moved one pixel when I moved my mouse
- I didn't managed to strace the previous problem as I have attempted
to create a new image without the gtk.so tgz and failed
- afaik, Sven Luther has attempted to build the miniiso on a pegasos,
but he needed the library reduction badly as pegasos refuses to load
initrd images as big as the one that would be generated without
library reduction. He said that he will work on this starting today or
tomorrow, iirc.

Any help is appreciated and welcome as it would be nice to have etch
beta 1 with miniiso working on ppc.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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