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Re: Error in driver forcedeth (NVIDIA Corporporation CK8S Ethernet Controller)

Il giorno mer, 12/10/2005 alle 18.42 +0200, debian ha scritto:
> Hallo dear list,
> I have a Gigabyte mainboard GA-K8NS with an AMD 64 Athlon 3000 .
> I have trouble with the onboard LAN nVIDIA nForce 3 250 --to lan-->ICS
> 1883.
> With Sarge the Network coudn´ t find the forcedeth driver. When i
> selected it manually and give him the parameters 
> (found by Windows XP  ir=21 and i/o=0xB800 the DHCP coudn´t configure
> the network

I think that parameters are irq= and io= and not ir= and i/o=. Could you

> I´ve tried it also with the CD-DEBIAN GNU/LINUX testing"Etch official
> snapshot i386 Binary-1 (20051012).
> The testing found the right driver forcedeth, but coudn´t configure
> the network with DHCP.

Did you try static network? Just to see if the driver is loaded
> Is there an error in the driver forcedeth?

We cannot see it without any log. Please try again and send or paste
somewhere /var/log/messages at a bare minimum.

> Please help me an answer me to my mail, I´m not a member of your list.

OK, but it should be better to subscribe just for the troubleshooting
period to leave a trace of your problem.


Stefano Canepa aka sc: sc@linux.it  http://www.stefanocanepa.it
Three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.
Le tre grandi virtù di un programmatore: pigrizia, impazienza e
arroganza. (Larry Wall)

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