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[messages][d-i][tasksel] A few rephrases would be good


I have a few suggestions regarding some strings in debian installer:

"Release signed by unknown key (key id ${SUBST0})"
Shouldn't this be 
"Release file signed by unknown key (key id ${SUBST0})"?

Signing refers to the file named Release, not the whole release, right?

"You may try to repeat CD-ROM detection but, even if it does succeed
the second time, you may experience problems later in the
It seems to me that there is a final "process" missing. Is not
unclear, but I feel is more clear this way.
Another alternative would be:
"You may try to repeat CD-ROM detection but, even if it does succeed
the second time, you may experience problems later _during_ the

tasksel has some ununiform strings regarding arabic and bulgarian desktops:
"This task makes the desktop be localised in Arabic."
"This task makes the desktop be localised in Bulgarian."
"This task localises the desktop in Simplified Chinese."
"This task localises the desktop in Traditional Chinese."
"This task localises the desktop in German."
"This task localises the desktop in Hebrew."
"This task localises the desktop in Korean."
"This task localises the desktop in Spanish."
and so on...

Please consider changing the description for the arabic and bulgarian tasks.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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