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Bug#274714: /proc/bus/pci/devices

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 20:56, you wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 10:38:30AM -0500, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
> ad nauseum. The driver is convinced you don't have anything plugged in
> to the card. Certainly it could be a driver mismatch, so
> /proc/bus/pci/devices will tell us for sure.
I've attached the result of the cat...

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

0000	80862501	0	f8000008	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	04000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
0008	8086250f	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
00f0	80862418	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
00f8	80862410	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
00f9	80862411	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	0000ffa1	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000010	00000000	00000000	PIIX IDE
00fa	80862412	a	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	0000ef81	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000020	00000000	00000000	usb-uhci
00fb	80862413	9	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	0000efa1	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000010	00000000	00000000	
0100	10024242	b	e8000008	0000c801	ff8e0000	00000000	ff8d0000	00000000	ff8a0000	08000000	00000100	00020000	00000000	00010000	00000000	00020000	
0101	10024243	0	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
0200	11c15811	b	ff7ff000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00001000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	ohci1394
0340	10b79200	0	00001001	10000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000080	00000080	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00020000	3c59x
0350	90046178	0	00001401	10001000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000100	00001000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00010000	
0358	11020002	0	00001081	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000020	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
0359	11027002	0	0000dff1	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000008	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	
0360	14f11033	0	10010000	000010a1	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00010000	00000008	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	00000000	

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