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Bug#271212: @euro support missing for Ireland

Quoting Petter Reinholdtsen (pere@hungry.com):

> The locales using the EURO char _need_ to use the @euro variant.  The
> reason is that the entry in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED without the
> @euro modifier is not using the ISO-8859-15 charset.
> So, to get a locale with the proper supported locale/charset
> combination, one need to use the ll_CC@euro variant.

Well, this has the strange consequence of having a fr_FR locale using
the Euro sign....but a charset which does not include it..:-)

About the problem of en_IE....we could indeed *always* force adding
@euro for all English locales.

As countrychooser includes a mechanism for checking that a given
locale indeed exists before using it with a fallback to the same
locale without modifier, we could have "en_US@euro" as default locale
for English...:-)

The check mechanism will correct this to en_US, en_AU, en_IN...for
all locales which do not have any @euro variant....and will leave
en_IE@euro for Ireland....as well as en_GB@euro when the Brits will
have dropped their Holy Pound.

The only argument I see against this is putting a strange "en_US@euro"
in languagechooser's languagelist....

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