Bug#262868: no 'FREE SPACE' in newly initialized disklabel
On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 07:23:51AM -0700, Joshua Kwan wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 01:28:40PM +0300, Anton Zinoviev wrote:
> > This means that parted doesn't recognise the disk label of sda.
> > /var/log/partman can say whether this is the same bug as #249371 or
> > something unknown.
> No, I initialized it by higlighting sda in partitioning, hitting enter,
> and saying I want to create a new disklabel or partition table or
> whatever.
There is a bug in the support of sun disk labels in parted (#237410)
that partman tries to workarount but the code seams not to be perfect.
I am not sure whether you hit this or some different unknown problem.
In order to find whether the problem is related to some bug in my
workaround or not do the following: exit from partman and then start it
again. If it still doesn't see the partition table then the bug is in
parted. If it sees the partition table then the bug is in my
Anton Zinoviev
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