Bug#257099: debian-installer: report
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Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: 2004/07/01 0100EDT - netboot images - "current"
uname -a:
Date: 2004/07/01 0155EDT
Method: I netbooted, using network as an installation source and a 128MB CF as
a target.
Machine: VIA EPIA ME6000
Processor: VIA C3
Memory: 256MB - 16MB framebuffer
Root Device: hda1
Root Size/partition table: 128MB, all devoted to /
Output of lspci: System not successfully installed; cannot paste.
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [O]
Configure network HW: [O]
Config network: [O]
Detect CD: [ ]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives: [E]
Partition hard drives: [O]
Create file systems: [O]
Mount partitions: [O]
Install base system: [E]
Install boot loader: [ ]
Reboot: [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
When I went to detect the hard drives using the netboot stuff, the modules for
IDE were not there. This does not seem like a sane default to me.
Additionally, even after it attempted to download more modules, it seemingly
could not find them on the server. My resolution was to manually gunzip the
monolithic initrd as well as the netboot initrd, and copy in some filesystems
and IDE drivers.
When I went to install the base system, I ran out of room on the compactflash.
This is understandable - after all, it is only 128MB. I'm not quite certain
why we are installing exim or other things like it by default, however. Exim
vs. Postfix vs. Sendmail vs. Qmail vs. whatever will be a decision made
later. Likewise with perl - I will likely not need perl on this system.
Also, it would be preferable for d-i to rm dpkgs immediately after installing
them, also to save space.
Perhaps I'm just failing to look in the general case, though, instead of just
my EPIA's case. Insight?
- --
Joshua Wise | www.joshuawise.com
GPG Key | 0xEA80E0B3
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
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