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Re: New languagechooser

Quoting Joey Hess (joeyh@debian.org):

> I'm unsure about the two columns It's useful to know I accidentially
> selected Bulgarian, but I'm sure that if I spoke the lanauge, I would
> not need the English versions?

Anyways, this is very easy to change (one line somewhere). So, I will
put another version with only the translated names.

> pt_BR and es seem ok.
> How does one fix it to default to English?
> Is Australia really the best default country in countrychooser if
> English is selected?

No, for sure. This is something still not sorted currently : having a
*default* country for a few languages. This probably needs a new
languagechooser field.

I'm working on a "Default=English with no locales" entry in
languagechooser which would skip the countrychooser step by leading to
"C" values in debian-installer/language and debian-installer/locale
and "US" in debian-installer/country.

This entry could possibly be used as a general "all defaults" entry
(keyboard=US for instance).

This is nearly ready, I just need to sort out a minor glitch.

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