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Re: Sarge install -- still no ACPI

On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 11:13:16PM -0500, Mike Oliver wrote:
> I've disabled local APIC and no disasters seem to have
> ensued, but I still don't know what it is.  A groups.google.com
> search was not extremely enlightening.

It's an interrupt controller that sits inside the CPU.  You can use
it to generate timer interrupts, do profiling or debugging as part
of the NMI watchdog.

Basically it is no great loss if it doesn't work.

> Could it have something to do with the following strange
> behavior?  I set up my sarge installation with a USB
> mouse plugged in, and the mouse works, but the touchpad
> doesn't.  If I pull the mouse out and reboot, X doesn't
> start! but I can start it manually with startx.  Then
> the fonts are all messed up! (but the touchpad works).
> Someone once said that if X were a car, you could steer
> by tuning the radio, but this is ridiculous.]

These issues appear to be unrelated.
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