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Re: Why is it so hard to build?

Matthew Wilcox wrote:
> I've had three attempts at building d-i for hppa.
> 1. It won't build on a woody system (the packages it wants aren't available).

The common solution for this is to build in a unstable chroot.
Should work modulo stable kernel/unstable userland incompatibilities.

> 2. Documentation is broken -- build/README does not document
> that "make build_netboot" won't work.  You need to type
> "fakeroot make build_netboot" instead.

Or any other root-gaining command.
(By that reasoning, most "make install" instructions would be broken. :-)

> 3. It won't build on this kernel:
>  mkdir -p ./tmp/netboot/tree/lib/modules/2.4.20-32-udeb/kernel;
>  if [ -e ./tmp/netboot/tree/boot/System.map ]; then
>     depmod -F ./tmp/netboot/tree/boot/System.map -q -a -b ./tmp/netboot/tree/ 2.4.20-32-udeb;
>     mv ./tmp/netboot/tree/boot/System.map ./tmp/netboot;
>  else
>     depmod -q -a -b ./tmp/netboot/tree/ 2.4.20-32-udeb;
>  fi;
>  mkdir -p ./tmp/netboot/tree/lib/modules/2.4.20-64-udeb/kernel;
>  if [ -e ./tmp/netboot/tree/boot/System.map ]; then
>     depmod -F ./tmp/netboot/tree/boot/System.map -q -a -b ./tmp/netboot/tree/ 2.4.20-64-udeb;
>     mv ./tmp/netboot/tree/boot/System.map ./tmp/netboot;
>  else
>     depmod -q -a -b ./tmp/netboot/tree/ 2.4.20-64-udeb;
>  fi;
> depmod: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented
> <joshk> willy: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented?
> <willy> joshk: Indeed.
> <bob2> known silly bug
> <willy> ... is there a workaround?
> <bob2> no, I've been tagged wontfix

This also hits building 2.6 on 2.4, providing the correct System.map
should fix it. AFAICS switching the hppa kernels to new-style -di
packaging is a preliminary to do that.


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