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Re: Proposal: Ask if user wants to set up network

On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 06:23:27PM -0600, Joel Konkle-Parker wrote:
> >>What I've always done in the past is get a base system installed, 
> >>install the .deb from LinuxAnt, copy the necessary files from 
> >>/mnt/windows, set up WEP, ifup eth0, then do my tasksel/dselect/apt-get 
> >>from there.

> >>Is this possible from within d-i's mini-shell?

> >I believe that this is possible using d-i in expert mode (and what
> >you've described *definitely* sounds like an expert config to me now ;).
> >If you find that it isn't, let us know, as it's probably a bug.

> Well, the problem here is that I don't think this /should/ be an expert 
> config. I have a few-months-old Dell 5150 with an 802.11g wireless card 
> that is only supported by LinuxAnt's commercial DriverLoader software 
> using native Windows drivers.

> With the current state of wireless net drivers, sure, maybe this 
> low-level messing around is necessary, but this doesn't seem like a very 
> far-fetched scenario to me (802.11g is getting more and more popular, as 
> are wireless-only connections in apt. complexes and such).

And I believe some work is being done on d-i installs over wireless,
possibly even including WEP (Joey?).  But in cases where you don't even
have native Linux drivers for your chip, which is by no means the case
with all wireless chipsets, we will not be able to support this directly
in the installer, and any attempt to do so would only add complexity
with no benefit to our users.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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