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Re: Re: Status of IPv6 in d-i?

> Actually, that doesn't have to be such a hassle. Provided a Router
> Advertisement Daemon (radvd under Linux) is running for your local
> network, the kernel will autoconfigure itself, without userland help;
> also, globally-addressable IPv6 addresses are easy to distinguish: if
> the IP address starts with 0x3ffe or 0x200, it's globally addressable
> (although the first is deprecated, and may disappear soon).

You're right; good news, we don't even need ping decide if ipv6 is present;
just load the module.
However we might still like to set up DNS (statically, or via DHCPv6, or SLP).
For the limited use it will get in d-i, however, (just looking up the
IP for the mirrors), we would probably be safe enough hard-coding 
an IP(v6) address, (ie ask the user on low priority, with a default IPv6)

> It's probably better to distinguish using a negative list tha>n to
> distinguish using a positive list, though. -ipv6: Isn't it better to say
> "if the IP starts with 0xf, or is ::1 it's *not* globally addressable"?

I think so. 

Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry@computer.org>

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