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New images build script - call for testing round 3


I stabilized my branch (-r mrvn) again and its time for another round of
testing. (Maybe more people then just Sven this time :)

Changes: (- to MAIN, | to round 2, + to both)

| removed debmirror and fixed apt so it can download everything

+ Moved some stuff into shell script (apt-get, initrd_install,
  udes_flat_install and mirror_instakk)

+ Made targets build just by naming the image, e.g:
  make dest/floppy-boot-bootfloppy.img
  make dest/floppy-data-drivers_ide.img
  make dest/cdrom-base-all-base.img

+ config/targets has (some of) the old style targes, e.g:
  make image TYPE=floppy
  make image TYPE=net

- build cdroms with nothing, udebs and udebs+base debs on them

+ Made build fail if any pkg-lists are missing

| moved media-lists to pkg-lists and use ./pkg-list to parse

+ added apt.deb apt cache for downloading debs

+ use sources.list.udeb and sources.list.deb unless sources.list.local
  is present. You need a "deb http://host codename main" in
  sources.list.local to download debs now.

What should work?

i386 can build cdroms and floppies. Given woking udebs and debs they
should work.

All other archs are totally untested. Look at "make all" and try each
target in turn and send me a buildlog for every failure.

All but i386, alpha, powerpc need build/make/arch/linux-arch
scripts.  Alpha and powerpc are untested. This affects floppy and
cdrom images, floppy-data and net images should work without.

What has changed?

Resulting images are for now: (sizes in K on i386)

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        52774 Oct 23 12:14 cdrom-base-all-base.img
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         3250 Oct 23 12:11 cdrom-boot-none-none.img
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        12488 Oct 23 12:14 cdrom-udeb-all-none.img
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1440 Oct 23 11:19 floppy-boot-bootfloppy.img
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1440 Oct 23 11:20 floppy-data-drivers_ide.img
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1440 Oct 23 11:40 floppy-root-root.img
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1394 Oct 23 11:21 initrd-netboot.img

Whats what in pkg-lists?

base                    - included general files

deb-base/               - debs needed by base (cdrom)

                        - udebs that are installed on each initrd
initrd-base/            - cdrom with udebs and debs
initrd-boot/            - cdrom with just a boot image
initrd-bootfloppy/      - stage 0 floppy / 1. floppy
initrd-netboot/         - pxe/tftp
initrd-root/            - root floppy / 2. floppy
initrd-udeb/            - cdrom with udebs

udeb-all/               - all udebs for cdrom
udeb-drivers_ide/       - udebs for floppy-data-drivers_ide

Where do the image names come from?

For all names a "none" means nothing of that kind is installed.


<type> names the initrd-XXX list installed on this initrd.


<type> is one of root, boot, data meaning a floppy with kernel and
bootblock, a floppy with just initrd.gz and a floppy with udebs and
udeb_include respectively.

<initrd> names the initrd-XXX list (or udeb-XXX list for data
floppies) to be used.


<initrd> names the initrd-XXX list to be used.
<udeb> names the udeb-XXX list to be used.
<deb> names the deb-XXX list to be used.

tree-<initrd>-<udeb>-<deb>-<extras> target in Makefile:

<initrd> names the initrd-XXX list to be used.
<udeb> names the udeb-XXX list to be used.
<deb> names the deb-XXX list to be used.

If <extras> is not none a the udebs are installed flat, otherwise a
mirror structure and Packages file is generated. This is somewhat
wrongfully named and will change when I feel like it. I might pull
that into the <udeb> part as <flat_udeb> and <tree_udeb>, not sure
yet. Nothing to worry about since thats arch independant.


Joeyh suggested creating subdirs for the different types of images.
The following dirs should do:

floppy/ cdrom/ network/ harddisk/ (kernel/ initrd/)

Network and harddisk share kernels and initrds so I suggest linking
them [to dirs in ()].

Names should be shortened to avoid confusion, how about a "make
release" that creates this directory structure and renames files?


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