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Re: 2.4 kernel as default boot kernel on CD #1 ??

#include <hallo.h>
Philip Hands wrote on Sun Apr 07, 2002 um 02:32:59PM:

> > therefore isolinux would have to start first and it does not even start :(
> no, I think you've got that back to front.
> As I understand it, MEMDISK is installed on the CD as though it's a
> floppy image, it loads and gives you a chance to load the next bit,
> presumably ISOLINUX.

No. I have read /usr/share/doc/syslinux/isolinux.doc.gz I guess they
mean the problem mentioned in paragraph two of this file. The ideal BIOS
allows isolinux to change to another ElTorito emulation mode (floppy
emulation), so isolinux would be able to load the choosen floppy image
and run it in the similar way as done by direct floppy emulation.

Unfortunately, most BIOSes are broken and cannot switch to another
ElTorito mode. But you can run this MEMDISK exactly as you do with a
linux kernel. Memdisk fakes the environment how BIOS should do, so DOS
(or another floppy image) is executed from a virtuall floppy.

I think, this would allow us to make a multiple step structure on CDs
(first choose the floppy image, then one of current 2.88 disks are
booted and you can continue as usual). Though, this is too risky and
needs much more testing.

<ij> Alfie: schonmal davon gehoert, dass nicht jeder linux user gleich ein
        programmierer ist, der alles, was er selber braucht, auch selber
        programmiert, installiert, patched, hacked oder portiert?
<Alfie> ij: Urks?  Das ist doch nur eine Legende.....
                                  -- #debian.de

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