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Re: anna menutest

sön 2002-10-13 klockan 05.23 skrev Tollef Fog Heen:
> * Martin Sjögren 
> | No, actually, I meant >&, I thought that was posix compliant, but I
> | guess I was wrong. :-) On the other hand, are menutest scripts allowed
> | to use debconf or not? Doesn't debconf use stdout to communicate?
> Menutest scripts shouldn't use debconf.  IMHO.

Keyword here is "should" :) I can understand if you want to have some
sort of policy on what a menutest script should do and not, but I'm more
pragmatic and feel that if a menutest script can be improved by using
debconf to make it more accurate (and thus better for the end user) then
my opinion is that it shouldn't be disallowed.

> | In any case, the code right now is broken, since the text buffer
> | containing '>/dev/null' is used for stat() as well as system().
> that's bad, you fix?



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