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Re: potato installs and the aftermath

brian r <randomaccess@canada-11.com> writes:

> First, once I have Debian running I really like it.  Especially the
> apt-get solution for upgrading.  However, I have installed Debian on
> 3 different workstations and 1 file server and the process was very
> different each time.

How so?

>  From the point of choosing which device driver
> modules I want to getting everything working.  Why?  One time I
> choose the simple method for choosing packages and then it didn't
> give me a choice but just installed a minimal set and quit--e.g., no
> man command or pages!

The easy method is called 'tasksel'.  You can run it even after
installing (as root).  You are probably going to 'tasksel', but not
picking any packages.  That is the only reason why it might behave in
the way you desribe.  Take the time to learn how to select and
deselect packages.

> My problem is cdrom won't read audio cd's but I can mount data cds.

Ask on debian-user list, this is not an install question.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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