Re: dbootstrap's pt.po : Conflicts during merge in CVS
Em Sab 08 Dez 2001 17:55, Philip Blundell escreveu:
> In message <[🔎]>, Andre Luis Lopes
> wri
> tes:
> >RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/boot-floppies/utilities/dbootstrap/po/pt.po,v
> >retrieving revision 1.60
> >retrieving revision 1.61
> >Merging differences between 1.60 and 1.61 into pt.po
> >rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
> >cvs server: conflicts found in utilities/dbootstrap/po/pt.po
> >
> > Please could someone point me to what's the problem with the translated
> >file ?
> You'll have to check for yourself. Most likely Adam made some trivial
> changes to formatting or the like while applying the patch, and these have
> spooked CVS out. Look for sections in the file surrounded by "<<<<<<"
> markers.
Nevermind. My bad. I deleted my local copy of that file and tried cvs up
-d -P again and everything worked fine.
Sorry for the noise :-)
André Luís Lopes
andrelop at ig dot com dot br
Debian-BR Project
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