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Re: [OT] extracting boot image from 'el torito' image

Brent Verner <brent@rcfile.org> writes:

> On 13 Jun 2001 at 01:01 (-0400), Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> | Brent Verner <brent@rcfile.org> writes:
> | 
> | > Hi,
> | >   Sorry for the noise, but I figured this is the best list for the
> | > question.
> | > 
> | >   How can I extract the boot image from a bootable ISO image?
> | > 
> | > I've tried
> | >     dd if=iso.raw of=boot.img bs=2 skip=21 count=720
> | > but it doesn't give me the bootable floppy image.
> | 
> | The disk itself is the bootable image.
> well, yes, the cdrom does contain a bootable (1.44 or 2.88) image. 
> I would like to see that image. I believe there is no convenient
> way to do this with current tools.

Sure -- find the rescue.bin file and do :

   dd of=/dev/fd0 if=rescue.bin bs=1024

> | There are other images provided (boot/root) if you want 1.44MB
> | versions suitable for standard floppy.
> are those the /same/ as the one written to the bootable ISO images?

The CD-ROM's bootability is based on the fact that it's setup to use
the 2.88k sized floppy (should be there under images-2.88 somewhere)
as an EL TORITO bootable image.

It uses different "flavors" on different CDs, see the fine manual.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onshore.com.....<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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