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Re: stuff I can work on - Woody branch

On 2001-02-24, Bruce Perens <bruce@perens.com> wrote:
>> - eliminate lilo configuration ?
>> - go with grub ?
> Does GRUB work with Reiser FS yet? LILO should, because of its design.

,----[ /usr/share/doc/grub/changelog.Debian.gz ]
| grub (0.5.95) unstable; urgency=low
|   * ReiserFS support from Jochen Hoenicke.

So, at least in sid, it does. The bigger problem would be raid support,
and non-x86 architectures, AFAIK. Also, Grub is a space hog, see the
list archives for further info on that (there was a discussion on this
topic a couple of days ago).

Andreas Fuchs, <asf@acm.org>, <d96001@htlwrn.ac.at>, antifuchs
Hail RMS! Hail Cthulhu! Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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