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Re: two items

Michael Stone <mstone@debian.org> writes:

> First, is anyone working on updating the documentation to reflect the
> changes to the boot disks?

Many people have volunteered (Bruce Sass, um, and someone else) but I
see very little progress.

I'm hoping on fixing the bugs from the bug tracking system (BTS) and
some gross problems, but if I had someone else to go thru the BTS then
that would let me focus on the higher-level documentation issues, like
maybe adding a "quickstart" section.

Would you like to help?

> Second, it would be nice if there were a way to avoid being prompted for
> the drivers disk. There's nothing on it that I need, so why bother with
> a third disk? (That may have changed, I haven't done an install in a few
> weeks.)

Yeah, well, no can do at this point.  We need to release this baby,
not add new features for the sake of avoiding the installation of
kernel modules.

Wait for woody.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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